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“Atlas orthogonal is a chiropractic program used to find and correct subluxation based on scientific and biochemical procedures. The effects of spinal subluxation are very important and have been determined, researched, and documented.” - Dr. Roy W. Sweat Developer of Atlas Orthogonal

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Misalignment of the vertebra disrupts the normal functioning of the nervous system and is removed with adjustment and correction. The Atlas is the first bone in the spine, located at the base of the skull. “Atlas” was a figure in Greek mythology who carried the world on his shoulders. Similarly, the atlas, weighing a mere 2 ounces, supports the head, weighing 9-17 pounds. Upon misalignment of this atlas, the nerves at the base of the skull become choked. The human body is balanced when the head is positioned between the center of the feet. When the atlas is out of alignment, it causes the head to tilt. When the head tilts, the spine shifts under the head to support it. This then causes misalignment in the other areas of the spine. This could result in pain and tenderness. It could also play a role in a multitude of symptoms. Such as headaches, migraines, sinus pain, allergies, asthma, neck/shoulder pain, numbness and pain in the arms/hands, and facial/TMJ pain. Our goal is to align this atlas, to allow the body to restore itself to optimum health.

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Step 1: After a thorough history and examination, there is an initial inspection for misalignment of the atlas by measuring patient’s leg length. One leg could appear shorter due to misalignment of the atlas, because it alters the body to be that way. In most cases one leg is not actually shorter than the other, but is drawn short due to the body’s compensation for a displaced atlas.

Step 2: Following this evaluation, it is necessary that we take very precise x-rays. These X-rays map out the atlas in its misaligned position and shows the doctor exactly how it is misplaced. Through these x-rays, the specific angles to correct the atlas to orthogonal/neutral are determined. Like a fingerprint, x-rays are unique to the patient and are imperative in making the most meticulous atlas correction.

Step 3: Your doctor then corrects the atlas using the Atlas Orthogonal Precision Adjusting Instrument. The instrument, developed by Dr. Roy Sweat, uses the principles of percussion force. As the patient lays on one side, the doctor places the tip of the instrument below the patient’s earlobe, barely touching the skin. The tip does not move when the adjustment is delivered. There is a weight released in the head of the instrument, which sends an energy wave through the tip. This energy wave effectively places the atlas in a more orthogonal position, with the patient feeling absolutely no discomfort.

Step 4: Following the adjustment, the doctor immediately feels the back of the patient’s neck. This is done to determine the effects of the adjustment. With the proper correction, the said pain and tenderness from before will decrease greatly or even completely. This results in immediate relief.

Step 5: One of the most important post adjustment steps are post x-rays, which are taken immediately after the initial treatment. There is no guess work in this program. These three- dimensional x-rays are taken and analyzed to verify that the best possible correction was rendered. The doctor may then show the patient the comparison between before and after x-rays. Post x-rays are an illustration of the exact change that has taken place because of the atlas orthogonal correction.